Are there any fossils backing this up? It looks like we have one in a rock formation called the Paluxy River Beds, near
Glen Rose, TX. Dr. Clifford Burdick, an Arizona geologist, reported finding dinosaur and human footprints in the same rock!
The human footprints are very large (up to fifteen inches long), but creationists have no trouble with that because Genesis 6:4
tells us that there were giants among our pre-flood ancestors. The problem is their location–how could a rock containing two
sets of tracks take 60 million years to harden? An attempt was made to date the formation, using a strip of coal made from a
tree branch that fell across the tracks; a carbon-14 test reported it was only 12,000 years old. That by itself should warn us
that something is wrong with our accepted theories.
Some scientists have declared the human footprints to be a hoax, but if anything, the three-toed dinosaur tracks look more
like fakes. Others (Stephen Jay Gould, for instance) have suggested that the human tracks really come from some kind of
dinosaur we haven’t discovered yet. I’m not holding my breath; all the dinosaur tracks I am familiar with are either bird-like
if the dinosaur walked on two legs, or round and elephant-like if they walked on all fours.