Cainite Words

Using Bullinger’s King James Version Companion bible (Kregel)

This study relating to the various forms of the primitive linguistic roots of the names found below. The descendants of Cain are important to realize, that the definitions that these people carry forward in their godless regards and works.

The words to be explained will include these –
[ Cain, Cainan, Kenite, Tubal-cain ]

The name Cain:

Spear, figuratively representing the power of authority or a
governing power.

From the noun (qyn), spear, from the verb (qyn), to fit together
or forge. (Qayin (without vowels as “qyn”)
The verb (qyn) comes from the feminine noun (qina),
which denotes a kind of sad poem; a wailing or lamentation
(2 Chronicles [35:25], Jeremiah [7:29]).
The derived verb (qonen) denotes the chanting of that
somber song (2 Samuel [1:17], Jeremiah [9:16]), and it brings to
mind the previous verb (qyn), which means to forge or to
produce music.

Strongs Number: H7014 & G2535
Hebrew Word:  קַיִן
Transliteration: Qayin
Phonetic: kah’-yin
Part of Speech: Noun
Definition: {Kajin} the name of the first {child} also of a place in {Palestine}
and of an Oriental tribe.
Origin: The same as # H7013 (with a play upon the affinity to # H7069)
Notes: The name Cain comes from the verb used by Eve in Genesis [4:1].
Note that Jesus was crucified and was declared dead by thrusting a spear
into his side, where upon a gush of water came out of His body.
(see John [19:34]).
Genesis [4:1-25], Numbers [24:22], Joshua [15:57], Hebrew [11:4],
1 John [3:12], Jude [1:11]

The name Cainan:

Acquirer, figuratively one who creates a networked nest.

From the verb (qanan), to weave into dynamic networks.

Strongs Number: H7018
Hebrew Word: קֵינָן
Transliteration: Qêynân
Phonetic: kay-nawn’
Part of Speech: Proper Name Masculine
Definition: fixed; {Kenan} an antediluvian
Origin: From the same as # H7064
Notes: Notice how the Hebrew word for “nest” is related to the name
“Cainan” via # H7064. “antediluvian” meaning pre-flood. The name
Kenan is not identical to that of Cain, because it has an extra nun
the 14th letter in the Hebrew alphabet – in English it is essentially
the letter “n”.

There is a relation with the verb (qinnen), meaning to make a nest.
That would give our names the meaning of “Nester”.
Greek version of this name is “Kaivav”.
Jones’ Dictionary of Old Testament Proper Names notes a relation to the
verb (qinnen), meaning “to make a nest” (Isaiah [34:15]). Creation
of the nest is the emphasis, not the subsequent perch-like behavior.
Genesis [5:9-14], Luke [3:36-37]
Also name of “Kenan”, son of Enoch, of 1 Chron [1:2]

The name Kenite:

Nestlings, People of the Spear, a strong authority.

From the noun ?? (qen), nest, or ??? (qyn), spear, from the verb ??? (qyn),
to forge or put together.

Strongs Number: H7017
Hebrew Word: קֵינִי
Transliteration: Qeni or Qini
Phonetic:  kay-nee’
Part of Speech: Noun / Adjective
Definition: Descendants of patriarchal Cain (#H7014) also of a place in
{Palestine} and of an Oriental tribe. Members of the tribe of Kenites.
Origin: The same as H7013 (with a play upon the affinity to H7069).
Notes: Balaam’s remark that the Kenite has set up a nest in the high
rocked cliff. (see Numbers [24:21]).

But immediately after his reference to the Kenite and their nest, Balaam
speaks of a certain Cain in Numbers [24:22] (aka “qin” = “Cain”,
translated to be “Kenite” without the full “qini” part that denotes a
group of Cains), which is spelled identical to the name Cain, same as
found in the Masoretic text (MSS) in Judges [4:11]).

Somehow, through the flood of Noah, the patriarchies of Jabal and Jubal
survived. Jabal and Jubal were full brothers of the same mother (Adah)
and the Cainite father (Lamech), while Tubal-cain was their half-
brother having the same father (Lamech) but a different mother
(Zillah), (see Genesis [4:20-22]).

Note that the Kenite people are indirectly referenced by Job [21:7-21],
where the wicked ones who disdain God and yet enjoy the wealth and
musical enjoyment of their own Godless efforts. Kenites, being
descendants of Cain proper, are always against and away from the living
true God and prefer to build their nests and cities up in their own
arrogant manner.
Numbers [24:22], Judges [1:16], Judges [4:11], Judges [4:17], Judges [5:24]

The name Tubal-cain:

To bring forth, to produce strongly of the earth, consideration of world
governmental authority (spear).

From (1) the noun (tebel), the whole world-economy, and
(2) the noun (qyn), spear, the symbol of government,
from the verb (qyn), to fabricate.

Strongs Number: #H8423
Original Word: תּוּבַל קַיִן
Part of Speech: Proper Name Masculine
Transliteration: Tubal Qayin
Phonetic Spelling: (too-bal’ kah’-yin)
Definition: a son of Lamech
Notes: The patriarchies of Jabal and Jubal as well as the forging of metals
(Tubal-cain being the “fathering” progenitor), were initiated in the
pre-flood era and by the godless lineage of Cain and all Cain-ites

The generations of Cain beginning to create a city of his own, then over
a long period of time, the descendants of Cainites have continued on
towards build out of the whole world, a nest of world government to
prepare an authority over all of this earth, culminating in global
government. Once in place the nest will allow for a perch for

Apparently from yabal (#H2986) (compare ybuwl) and Qayin;
offspring of Cain; Tubal-Kajin, an antediluvian patriarch — Tubal-cain.
Genesis [4:22]
